worth/ worthy/ worthwhile 的用法
worth 可以作為不可數的名詞,指抽象的「價值」;也可以做為形容詞,指「值得的」。讓我們來看一下作為名詞時的用法:
Our reading club has proved its worth in the community over the years.
然而,困擾學生們的是 worth 的形容詞用法;尤其,學生們經常將它與 worthy、worthwhile 兩個近義的形容詞搞混。那麼 worth 作為形容詞究竟如何使用呢?
其實用法很簡單,其句型都遵循著 worth + N/ Ving 的規則。讓我們來看看這兩個例句:
The necklace of gold and diamond is worth a fortune.
It is not worth a straw.
文法看到這邊,會不會很複雜呢?其實一點都不,想想我們平常常聽到的「It’s worth it!」其實就遵從了上述的文法。再讓我們來看看下面幾個例句:
worth + 名詞:
Taipei is worth a visit.
Taipei is worth frequent visits.
worth + Ving:
Taipei is worth your visiting frequently.
至於worthy,它與 worth 類似,指「值得的」、「值得尊敬的」、「當之無愧的」,但是用法有稍許的不同。例如 a worthy opponent「可敬的對手」、a worthy winner「實至名歸的贏家」。在使用上,會遵照這樣的規則:
be worthy + of N.
= be worthy + of being Vpp.
= be worthy + to V.
= be worthy + to be Vpp.
Taipei is worthy of your visit.
= Taipei is worthy of being visited.
= Taipei is worthy to visit.
= Taipei is worthy to be visited.
worthwhile 同為形容詞,指「值得花費(金錢、時間、精力等)的」。通常,其用法為:
It is worthwhile + to V.
It is worthwhile + Ving.
另外,有時也會見到將 worthwhile 一字拆開來使用的用法:It is worth one’s while to V.。以下列舉一些常見用法的例句:
It is worthwhile to pay a visit to Taipei.
=It is worthwhile paying a visit to Taipei.
=It is worth yourwhile to visit Taipei.
另外,也可以將名詞和動名詞放到句首。這裡不同於 worth 和 worthy 不同的是,worthwhile 可以放在句尾,但是另外兩個字卻不行。讓我們看看例句:
(O) Paying a visit to Taipei is worthwhile.
(O) A trip to Taipei is worthwhile.
(X) Paying a visit to Taipei is worth.
(X) Paying a visit to Taipei is worthy.
worth/ worthy,哪個接被動?
學生最容易搞混的概念,不外乎就是 worth 和 worthy 哪個能接被動了!這裡要記得的是,只有 be worthy of 之後可以加上被動的用法:
be worth Ving.
= be worthy of being Vpp.
= be worthy to be Vpp.
(O) His suggestion is worthy of being considered.
(O) His suggestion is worthy to be considered.
(X) His suggestion is worth to be considered.
(X) His suggestion is worth being considered.
His suggestion is worth considering.
= His suggestion is worth consideration.